5 mlynedd ers Brexit
Brexit - 5 years on

Cynhadledd wedi ei threfnu gan Cymru dros Ewrop

Sgyrsiau a thrafodaethau ar effeithiau Brexit dros y 5 mlynedd ddiwethaf, barn y cyhoedd, a pha gamau positif gall llywodraethau Cymru a San Steffan eu cymryd i ailadeiladu perthynas bositif efo'r Undeb Ewropeaidd.

Archebu tocyn am ddim (eventbrite.co.uk)

Conference hosted by Wales for Europe

Talks and discussions on the effects of Brexit over the last 5 years, public opinion, and what positive steps the governments of Wales and Westminster should take to rebuild a positive relationship with the European Union.

Book a free ticket (eventbrite.co.uk)





Y Plas
Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd || Cardiff Students' Union
Caerdydd CF10 3QN

Map Google a chyfarwyddiadau
