Merched Plaid - Sefyll a Gweithredu
Merched Plaid - Stand and Deliver

Sgwrs onest dan ofal Merched Plaid am brofiadau merched o sefyll etholiad a dal y swydd.

Bydd Siân Gwenllian AS yn cadeirio'r sesiwn, a'r Cynghorwyr Ellen ap Gwynn, Carrie Harper, Llinos Medi Huws, a Catrin Wager yn cyfrannu.

Byddant yn ateb eich cwestiynau am y broses o ddod yn ymgeisydd, rhedeg ymgyrchoedd, a beth fydd yn digwydd os cewch eich ethol neu beidio.

An honest conversation presented by Merched Plaid about the experience as a woman running for election and whilst in office.

The session will be chaired by Siân Gwenllian MS, with contributions from Councillors Ellen ap Gwynn, Carrie Harper, Llinos Medi Huws, and Catrin Wager.

They will be answering your questions on the process of becoming a candidate, running campaigns, and what happens if you do or do not get voted into office.








Nan Pritchard Jones Sharon-Rose Taylor Sioned James Michael Hughes Steffan Webb Helen Kemp Einir Williams Llio Owen Glenys Vivers Wendy Allsop Rhiannon Barrar Betsan Wyn Jones Ffion Ellis Meinir Huws Sara Roberts Eirian Powell Ros Jones Anne Toms Dewi Wyn Jones Mary Elizabeth Evans Ann Lowther Tracy Hughes Sonia Williams Martyn Lewis Aimi Barker Eirwen Jones Jill Evans Nici Beech Rachel Allen Alfred White Lisa Childs Carmen Ria Smith 🇪🇺🏴 Marc Jones Beca Brown Stephen Curry Yasmin Begum June James Paula Reed

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